
PLACED Place and activity-centric dynamic library services porte sur la création d’une interface numérique pour lier collections et activités en bibliothèque.

PLACED introduces a new type of place- and activity-centric digital library services. Whereas library services typically focus on providing access to a collection of media, PLACED services support activities. The groundbreaking aspect is that these services capture knowledge generated through activities, make them a part of the collection, and allow future library users to access them. In this way, PLACED helps break down the institutional walls of the library and make it an integrated part of urban life by creating an ever-evolving collection built on urban activities and knowledge generation

Responsable(s) scientifique(s)

Benoît Epron

Unité(s) de recherche impliquée(s)

Aarhus University
Chalmers University of Technology


Dokk1 – Aarhus Public Libraries
Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon
Library of Lundby, City of Gothenburg

Valorisations, productions

L’activité du projet et ses réalisations sont disponibles sur son site :

Unités de recherche porteuses



Financement ANR dans le cadre d’un appel à projet européen  ERA-NET Cofund Smart Urban Futures Call