Reading and writing academic monographs in the age of Artificial Intelligence and impact: issues and challenges


November 24th and 25th 2022

Lyon – Ville Lumière

 Claude Bernard University (Lyon 1)

Campus de la DOUA

Salle de conférence de la Bibliothèque Universitaire

(Tramway T1 or T4, Gaston BERGER station)


Thursday November 24th


9.00: Registrations

9.30: Opening session and Introduction to the event

  • Ulrich FÜGENER, Goethe Institute
  • Romain THINON, ARQUS Alliance
  • Chérifa BOUKACEM ZEGHMOURI, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

10.00: Ce que le numérique fait aux livres (What digital is doing to books) (Talk in French)

10.45: The book as a medium in academic communication, particularly in the HSS (Talk in English)

11.30-11.45: Coffee break

11.45-12.30: Academic publishing and the research cycle (Talk in English)

12.30-14.00: Lunch

Afternoon : Darwin Building, Salle Fontanes, T1/T4 (Université Lyon 1)

14.00-15.00: Stand Up session

Password: CrigPSDk736 (27447735 for smartphones)

15.15-17.00: ECRs Workshop

Password: pCppYPXF235 (72779793 for smartphones)

17.30–18.30: Visit to Lyon Print Museum

18.45: Cocktail


Friday, November 25th


9.00: Production « automatiques » d’articles scientifiques frauduleux

10.00: Geopolitics of scholarly books: multilingualism and research assessment

11.15-12.30: Round Table : The Relevance of the Academic Book: Issues of Integrity, Automation, and Access

 Moderation: Malcolm WALSBY (Centre Gabriel Naudé, enssib)

12.30-14.00: Lunch

Après midi : Bâtiment Darwin, Salle Fontanes, T1/T4 (Université Lyon 1)

14-17.30: Hacking the Publishing Lab (Hybride session)

Password: 2MtVZB4AqP7 (26889242 for smartphones)

  • Rocco RASO, Springer Nature, Heidelberg (GER)
  • Chérifa BOUKACEM ZEGHMOURI (Claude Bernard Lyon 1)
  • Christoph BLÄSI, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz (GER)
  • Laura BOUSQUET (Université Lumière Lyon 2, Université Johannes Gutenberg, Mayence) 
  • Opening Up Science with Artificial Intelligence
  • Use Case Definition – Product Vision Statement
  • User Personas and User Journey
  • Wireframing

16-16.15 : Coffee Break

17.30-18.00: ECRs Restitution session

Password: hmMeFZ5fw43 (46633953 for smartphones)